selected journalism
long form features, articles & profiles
A grant to produce two long-form features on Côte d’Ivoire by Glimpse, a nonprofit supported by the National Geographic Society. Published on Matadornetwork.com, the world’s largest independent travel magazine, which receives 13M+ unique visitors each month.
Matador Network:
community journalism
Gleaner Community Press
Local media holds a mirror up to the community to reflect its values and ideals, and encourages civic engagement. I worked at The Annex Gleaner, a newspaper that serves downtown Toronto’s west neighbourhood. Covering a local beat enabled me to understand this community intimately, while looking for fresh angles on stories and developing the resources to focus on my coverage. Editor-in-chief Emina Gamulin and journalist Perry King guided me through the complexities of working in print and community journalism and fact-checking and editing, which were critical to my formation as a journalist.
I am grateful for the diversity of topics I was able to cover on rabble.ca, “an independent, community-driven media”, from a mural in honour of a murdered elder to a profile on journalist-activist Lydia Cacho and an online writing collective for teenagers.
sustainability stories
Sustainability Management Services (SMS) of ECOM, a soft commodities trader, wanted to illuminate the people they work with as well as the good work they do by demystifying some of the more technical aspects of their work to make farmers, their livelihoods and the supply chain more sustainable. I interviewed staff from Vietnam to Ecuador and Ghana, tackling subject matters as diverse as anaerobic reactors for coffee waste and measuring farmer well-being through the Social Progress Index. Ultimately, these articles will be repurposed via social media channels and in newsletters. I also wrote most of the copy for the Annual Report, highlighting all of SMS’ excellent work in 2020.
travel writing
Toronto Star, Canada Travel
Bonjour Paris
Today's Parent is Canada's national parenting media brand and part of Rogers Publishing Ltd. In 2012, todaysparent.com was voted Magazine of the Year - Digital at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. I worked with a gifted team of editors and web designers, and aided with the migration of Todaysparent.com to a new platform, while copywriting for Canadianparents.com.
When I moved to Cote d’Ivoire, I became a Pregnant Pause blogger. You can read some of my posts here: