selected poetry portfolio



Participant, Winter Writers’ Residency, The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, mentored by Danez Smith and Omar El Akkad.


Finalist, Radar Poetry’s The Coniston Prize: “Dismantling the Leviathan”, “Ephemera”, “Naming the Doe” and “The Lost Stations


Shortlisted for PULPLiterature’s The Kingfisher Poetry Prize: “sel·vage

Longlisted for PULPLiteratures The Kingfisher Poetry Prize: “In Sickness Duplex”


1st & 2nd place, PULPLiterature’s The Magpie Award for Poetry: “griefbody” and “Harvest”


Finalist, Radar Poetry’s The Coniston Prize: “Traces

Honourable Mention, PULPLit’s The Magpie Award for Poetry: “Vessel”

Finalist, Animal Heart Press Poetry Chapbook Contest: “Radiant as Any Wound


1st place, Room’s Poetry Contest: “Heirloom

Editors’ Prize, PULPLit‘s The Magpie Award for Poetry: “Hummingbird Elegy”


Shortlisted for CBC Poetry Prize: “Caribou in the Anthropocene

Best of the Net nominee by Radar Poetry: “Lions’ Lament

Finalist for Radar Poetry‘s The Coniston Prize: “Au Zoo d’Abidjan/At the Abidjan Zoo

Best Canadian Poetry 2019 Anthology: “Ode to the Cockroach”


1st place, Room‘s Short Forms Contest: “Sissi Barra: the way of smoke

2nd place, Frontier Poetry‘s Award for New Poets: “Heart postpartum


Chestnut Review: "Limbo

PULPLiterature: “Laundryman Haibun

The Ekphrastic Review: Grand Bassam Saudade

Wild Roof Journal: A Disambiguation: La Arribada

Eunoia: “Story of A” ; “Simulacrum” ; “Self-Portrait as Roundabout Mannequin” ;

Self-Portrait in Metamorphosis” ; “linguistics

PULPLiterature: “Vessel”

Garden - A Literary Journal: “[time is green]

The Learned Pig: “Le President; The Crocodile Feeder

The Night Heron Barks: “Watermark; Sitting Foxtrot with Comb

Poetry and Covid: Benediction for a Quarantine Kitchen

Q/A Poetry: “Every woman is a star”; “red canvas

PULPLit: “The Chicken Carver

Okay Donkey: “break/through

The Ekphrastic Review: “Counterstroke

Rust & Moth: “Four Aspects of Language: A sea lives on my tongue

Tinderbox Poetry Journal: evening

The Maynard: “Ode to the Cockroach“; “my tiny minnow

SWWIM: “maquis

Literary Mama: “Demeter


Caitlin Press - An Anthology of Tree Poems: “Elegy for a Forester”

Best Canadian Poetry 2019 Anthology: “Ode to the Cockroach”

CV2 (Emergence Issue): “Ode to Rust”

The Fiddlehead: “atelier”

Room: “Split Ends”

emerge 17, The Writer’s Studio Anthology: “Abidjan Aubade”, “Fanicos: The Laundrymen of Banco” and “Ode to the peacock”.

EVENT: “Tobermory”

oratorealis: “If only casseroles could scream” (Collaborative poem with Fiona Tinwei Lam, Stephen Berg, Viola Prinz, Emily Olsen)

The Fiddlehead: “Icarus”

poetry book reviews